Studio 1412

Salon Suites in North Little Rock

A Place for Health and Beauty
Professionals to Thrive

We provide a beautiful and private space that will help independent health and beauty businesses look and operate at their best. Our studio spaces are available to estheticians, nail technicians, hair stylists, massage therapists, lash specialists, barbers, mircrobladers, tattoo artists and more. Our private salon suites are modern and secure in North Little Rock.

We Are
Studio 1412

Meet Our Professionals

They love what they do.

They are great at what they do.

Experience high quality spa, salon, and health services to brighten your day!

Lease a Space

Enjoy your own branded space, with privacy, security, plenty of opportunities to customize your experience for your clients!

Studio 1412's vision is to create a welcoming and positive atmosphere that supports and empowers individual business owners to create and grow the business they love.

Kymm Alexander, Owner

Have A Question?

Just ask!